1. INITIAL CONSULTATION –  We begin by scheduling a consultation with you to understand your kitchen requirements, preferences, and budget. This step is crucial in customizing your modular kitchen design.
    2. DESIGN AND PLANNING-  Our team of expert designers will create a detailed plan (3D design) for your modular kitchen. We’ll consider factors like layout, storage, appliances, and materials to    ensure it meets your needs.
    3. MATERIAL SELECTION –  Once the design is finalized, we help you choose the materials and    finishes for your kitchen. This includes cabinets, countertops, backsplashes, and hardware. We source high-quality materials to ensure durability and aesthetics.
    4. MANUFACTURING –  After material selection, we move onto the manufacturing phase. Our  skilled craftsmen will fabricate the modular components of your kitchen, ensuring precision  and quality in every  detail.   
    5. INSTALLATION –  Our experienced installation team will carefully assemble and install all the modular elements in your kitchen. This step involves precise measurements and fitting to ensure a seamless and functional kitchen.  

    6. QUALITY CHECK AND HANDOVER – Before we hand over your modular kitchen, we conduct a   thorough quality check to ensure everything is in perfect order. We’ll also provide you with  necessary instructions needed for maintenance and care.






Layouts/ 3D design of Kitchen


An exceptional design takes its inspiration from many creative endeavors. However, the greatest and most influential is you. Only you have an exact mental schematic of what you want to achieve, or a broad pallet of aesthetic tastes that need to be adhered to. It’s up to us to take any ideas you may have and combine them with our design creativity to create a perfect synthesis.

The designer will want to get to know you, to hear and see all your ideas allowing them to construct a personal collage of design impressions before presenting you with a series of designs. Once these are finalized and agreed by you the project is passed through to our in-house administration and installation department who will manage the project up to its completion.

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